

Page history last edited by Charles-A. Rovira 16 years, 3 months ago


media files:

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Bed: "Wrapped in Tinfoil" by "Digital Droo" off of "Active Lancer Original Soundtrack"


P34k O1l is a strange concept to wrap your minds around. (I asked my "Radio 201" classmates if "any" of them had heard of peak oil. I got some great "deer in the headlights" stares. I really want these guys and gals to catch all of the episodes of this show because they're so incredably unprepared. I'm podcasting this show for "them.")

How can we run "out" of oil?

How can we "run" out of oil?

Easy, use more than we make (or more accurately, than we find; we don't make any outside of a laboratory,) and eventually it will become scarce and then scarcer, and cost more and more, and more.

Don't think it can happen?

Texas "used" to have oil didn't it? And now it doesn't.

Pennsylvania used to have oil, didn't it? And it hasn't for quite a while.

(Made John D. Rockerfeller the richest man on earth for a while, then he died. "Sic transit, gloria mundi")

What happened? Peak oil for the 'States did. Back in 1972.

It doesn't matter if you think that oil comes from dinosaurs (like a few naive folks out there do,[fossil fuel indeed,]) or if you think that oil is the result of abiotic, geological processes and that oil arises from underground and therefore inorganic, anaerobic sources.

The fact is that, either as non-renewable fossil fuel, or as geologically slowly renewing abiotic fuel source, we're running out.

Our resource depletion outstrips resource discovery (or natural production.) And its only going to get worse.

Here's a site for some media you can go and get: http://www.oilcrashmovie.com/ into Google, iTunes and watch it whenever, (if you've got a video capable player, you can even watch it wherever.)

Its not a perfect movie but if you need something to scare the crap out of you, it can do that.

Its a bunch of rich white dudes becoming a bunch of, uh, concerned, rich white dudes hoping that they don't get burned in effigy or lynched when it plays out.

Googling "Peak Oil" gives you a wealth of stuff, some of which is utter crap and some of which is reasoned, well researched, well thought out stuff.

Stuff like "Peak Oil" [ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2141508903056009420 ]


"In Search of Cryptic Authors" by "Stavka (Andy Lightfoot)" off off "Against The Programme"


We've got PSAs:


Campus Safety urges students, faculty and staff to sign up for text alerts, online @ spc.edu/alerts

This will be used to inform students, faculty and staff in an emergency.

This was useful last year in the bomb scare.

To sign up, students must know their Spirit ID # (Bring their Saint Peter's College ID)


Imagine if you did not have your cell phone, facebook or myspace page, twitter account or your IM or Skype ID to communicate with your friends?

Well, political refugees in Elizabeth (?? NJ [?? facility]) only have Snail Mail to communicate with, and yet they pay one dollar per stamp.

Community Service is asking for your help by buying stamp books for these refugees during October.

Use the Drop Off box at Community Services


There are still no prerecorded promos so I'm going to fake one right now.

How about if I tell you about "Dan and Dave on Sports in the Morning"

"Looking for quality sports talk?

Then look no further than Dan Drutz, our own assistant director of athletics, and David Freeman.

They’re here to give you all the latest news and discussion in both college and professional sports.

If you’re a sports fanatic, you won’t want to miss a second of what these two guys have to say.

So be sure to catch “Dan and Dave on Sports in the Morning.”

Every Tuesday from 11 to 12 noon. Only on WSPC: The Sound of Saint Peter’s College.

I just caught their show here in the studio and its "pretty darn good!".


Bed "Red on white" by "Michael Ulery"


We're looking at the first chapter of "The Party's OVER, Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies" by "Richard Heinberg" ISBN: 0-86571-482-7.

"Business Ain't Music" by "Maria Daines" off of "Wisdom's Tooth"

Bed: "Wrapped in Tinfoil" by "Digital Droo" off of "Active Lancer Original Soundtrack"


The first chapter is called "Energy, Nature and Society" and it explores the earth's energy budget, 1,372 watts of sunlight energy hit every square meter of this planet.

It then goes into how nature uses that energy in, "Energy in Ecosystems: Eating and Being Eaten" which gets us into a system's "carrying capacity", that is the maximum population load per species.

There are lots of examples of things exceeding an environment's carrying capacity and having population crashes or outright extinction.

Some of those things are people who altered their environments, exceeded the carrying capacity of the new environment and died various kinds of messy, slow and agonizing deaths. (Extinction is "never" clean, quick, or painless.)

It then goes into how people use that energy, "Social Leveraging Strategies: How to Gain an Energy Subsidy" which gets us into the exploitation of some mechanisms for expanding the environment's carrying capacity.

    * takeover


    * tool use


    * specialization


    * scope enlargement and


    * drawdown.

I am not going to repeat everything that the book says, including the sources. Go and buy a copy. This is a "precis" not a copyright violation.

It then goes into how, since we've outstripped the earth's carrying capacity through our increasing dependence on one non-renewable resource: "OIL", we're going to have to manage "Complexity and Collapse: Societies in Energy Deficit" and gives examples of civilizations that didn't.

Lastly it goes into "Applied Socio-Ecohistory: Explaining the American Success Story" and explores the chemistry of energy historic and current role of energy and its effect on social economic, military and political structures.


"Business As Usual" by: "Sudden Death" off of "Die Laughing"

Bed: "Bomb In A Suede Smoking Jacket" by: "Juliet Hotel" off of: "Sojourn"


I hope you're paying attention (I mean really, "really" paying attention, [ I'm not worried if you're enjoying the show. { This is college radio after all, aint nobody's listening but us stoonts... } ] )

The history of all society is the history of the search for exploitable sources of energy.

Until the harnessing of hydro power and then steam, that source was the dog, the horse and the oxen; basically animal power.

Then about 1850 one of the animal sources for energy, whales for oil to light our lamps with, became extremely scarce and extremely expensive. (You will find this to be an economic truth which will haunt you for your entire lives, your succes as human beings will be directly related to your sucess at husbanding resources of varying scarcity.)

Over the next six shows, we will explore the world as it will unfold, as hinted at in "The Party's OVER, Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies" by "Richard Heinberg" ISBN: 0-86571-482-7.

If, no, when, you get the book, read it and email me about your own thoughts, at charles (at) MSBPodcast.com.

This plea for comments, reaction and contribution goes for everyone, since the show is being podcast on MSBPodcast 'canal', and is available on the web, as well as through iTunes, and as streamed here on WSPC.


"Communicate" by "Brian Scibinico"

Bed "Forensic" by: "Nick Murray"


Go and get the book "The Party's OVER, Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies" by "Richard Heinberg" ISBN: 0-86571-482-7.

You can even go and re-bury your head in the sand afterward.

But you should know what's going to happen and let it guide you and your decisions.

This episode featured the following music:

    * Bed: "Wrapped in Tinfoil" by "Digital Droo" off of "Active Lancer Original Soundtrack"

    * "In Search of Cryptic Authors" by "Stavka (Andy Lightfoot)" off off "Against The Programme"

Bed "Red on white" by "Michael Ulery"

"Business Ain't Music" by "Maria Daines" off of "Wisdom's Tooth"

Bed: "Wrapped in Tinfoil" by "Digital Droo" off of "Active Lancer Original Soundtrack"

"Business As Usual" by: "Sudden Death" off of "Die Laughing"

Bed: "Bomb In A Suede Smoking Jacket" by: "Juliet Hotel" off of: "Sojourn"

"Communicate" by "Brian Scibinico"

Bed "Forensic" by: "Nick Murray"

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