

Page history last edited by Charles-A. Rovira 15 years, 9 months ago


Direct link to the episode:

m4a -> http://media.libsyn.com/media/msb/spc_wspc_ThymeWarp_0040.m4a

Video Links

YouTube ->

This is episode 40

I got the internship at WFMU so I will be helping Mr. Rushkoff  with the community desk of "The  Media Squat".

I got a really quick introduction to their production desk last Monday and I really liked the people I'll be working with.

Plus I've got to help them set up a community wiki (PBWiki.com to the rescue) and get it hooked up to their existing web set up, get some content prepared and out it out there for feed back from the community.


Prince of Pizza

Portions of today's programming are underwritten by

Prince of Pizza

763 Bergen Avenue in

Jersey City

ph: 201-434-9453

Pizza, Hot food, Salads, Wings, Heroes, Panini and Cold Beverages.

Prince of Pizza, serving St. Peter's College and Jersey City for more than 40 years.


I love acappella so we're going to hear something from the album "Brontosaurus" by "Da Vinci's Notebook".

"Enormous Penis" by: "Da Vinci's Notebook" http://www.amazon.com/Brontosaurus-Da-Vincis-Notebook/dp/B00006RZH0


We got PSAs:




Here's a couple of proper, honest to goodness, real promos. :-)





This is going to be a short show because I got a class right after.

Now "Adelante La Musica"


This episode featured the following music:

"Enormous Penis" by: "Da Vinci's Notebook" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira

"Symfoni nr 6 i h-moll, Pathetique (tredje satsen)" by: "Peter Tjajkovskij" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira

"Pianosonat i b-moll (tredje satsen, Begravningsmarsch)" by: "Frédéric Chopin" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira

"Zampa - Ouvertyr" by: "Ferdinand Hérold" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira

"Tannhäuser - Gästernas intåg" by: "Richard Wagner" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira

"Kröningsmarsch" by: "Giacomo Meyerbeer" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira

"The Washington Post" by: "John Philip Sousa" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira


The show notes, incuding the complete text of this episode, and any and all links to the artists featured, are on a server ... somewhere.

And this show is also being podcast in m4a format, which means that it you use a compatible player, like iTunes, you get the content divided up into chapters with images and "hot links" to the the web, on the topic of the chapter or to accompany the music.


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