Direct link to the episode:
m4a -> http://media.libsyn.com/media/msb/spc_wspc_ThymeWarp_0034.m4a
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This is episode 34
Turning out to be an extremely short week podcast wise.
Monday's "The Disability Show" wasn't, because of the snowfall in and around Jersey City.
So the show that was downloaded via iTunes is actually next week's show. Which works out because I won't have the time that weekend to record a new one.
Next, IBS.
No its not an assessment of my rhetorical skills.
It where I'm going to be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. At a conference. In New York City.
College is fun ... I think ...
"For This You Went To College?" by: "George Hrab" http://www.geologicrecords.net/
We got PSAs:
Here's a couple of proper, honest to goodness, real promos. :-)
I just had a thought "a propos" of nothing.
What if we were to buy PDFs of our newspapers via iTunes, with RSS distribution of the files sort of like podcasts, and collection of the money through Apple?
Imagine getting an in-depth version of the stuff you get on the web for free now but delivered up in a PDF file; with all kinds of value added stuff like pictures, interviews with the writers about how the piece came to be written...
It could even be a ZIP file conbining different content.
I'm just sayn'. It could be worth looking into...
Given the grim coverage of the melt down in the news publishing market it might be a solution. (I often post to the "Newspaper Death Watch" [ http://www.newspaperdeathwatch.com/ ])
Now to get the word out to the New York Times... (Done)
Now "Adelante La Musica"
This episode featured the following music:
"For This You Went To College?" by: "George Hrab" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
"Piano Concerto in A Minor, Opus 16: First Movement" by: "Edvard Grieg" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
"Piano Sonata in C Major, Opus 53, "Waldstein": Third Movement" by: "Ludwig Van Beethoven" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
"Piano Concerto No.20 in D Minor K466: Second Movement" by: "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
"Impromptu in G-flat Major D899, No.3" by: "Franz Schubert" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
"Arabesque, Opus 18" by: "Robert Schumann" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
"Nocturne in B-flat Major: Opus 9, No.1" by: "Frédéric Chopin" here on WSPC's ThymeWarp with your host Charles Rovira.
The show notes, incuding the complete text of this episode, and any and all links to the artists featured, are on a server ... somewhere.
And this show is also being podcast in m4a format, which means that it you use a compatible player, like iTunes, you get the content divided up into chapters with images and "hot links" to the the web, on the topic of the chapter or to accompany the music.
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