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spc_wspc_TheDisabilityShow 0008

Page history last edited by Charles-A. Rovira 15 years, 6 months ago

spc_wspc_TheDisabilityShow 0008

media files:

m4a -> http://media.libsyn.com/media/msb/spc_wspc_TheDisabilityShow_0008.m4a


Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

This show is "not" any kind of a medical show /podcast.

It is by and for the disabled, and if we can help reach across the chasm of questions and indifference to the other side of the rainbow of ability ... well and good.

Its purpose is to keep us entertained, to explain our symptoms, to remark on our discoveries, and to raise the general consciousness about our disabilities.

The path to disability is shadowy, murky and rough strewn.

The path to wellness is lit by the lamp of knowledge.

---- "Golden West" by: "Reginald Clair" http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/reginaldclair/

We got PSAs:


Campus Safety urges students, faculty and staff to sign up for text alerts, online @ spc.edu/alerts

This will be used to inform students, faculty and staff in an emergency.

This was useful last year in the bomb scare.

To sign up, students must know their Spirit ID # (Bring their Saint Peter's College ID.)


Here's a proper, honest to goodness, real promo. :-)



Cross-promo with Pauwwow.com

---- We got a sponsor!

Sponsorship message: Prince of Pizza

Portions of today's programming are underwritten by

Prince of Pizza

763 Bergen Avenue in

Jersey City

ph: 201-434-9453

Pizza, Hot food, Salads, Wings, Heroes, Panini and Cold Beverages.

Prince of Pizza; serving St. Peter's College and Jersey City for more than 40 years.



Things are hotting up 'round the ol' homestead.

I've sent messages to Sir Harold Evans of publishing fame and to the US  Postmaster General Mr. John Potter about my ideas to increase revenues for the post office, create a subscription or paid article retrieval for the press and, uh, save democracy for those who can afford it (or they can go the the public library and get the news there.)

I've also just discovered radio station WFMU 91.1 in Jersey City. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFMU ].

I have also been catching up on their podcasts and I absolutely LOVE what I hear.

One show in particular has caught my ear: WFMU's The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff [ http://www.mediasquat.net/ ]

Smart host. Smart topics. Smartly done. Its a great show.

So great that I'm going to try to volunteer and do an internship there.

---- "The Golden Shovel" by: "Frozen Carp" http://www.btpodshow.com/music/?artist_id=5046


Ooo boy.

I just waiting for the mail to come.

I'm about to get to review another book by Joel Goldman.

I'm going to interview Mr. Goldman again.

I originally did the last interview with Mr. Goldman almost a year ago back in show msb-0292.

---- "Blue and Gold" by: "Ekayani and the Healing Band" http://www.myspace.com/ekayaniandthehealingband


I really enjoyed reading his first book.

I enjoyed talking with him about the book and the main hero / protagonist, a man who was flawed and sick with a neurological condition, just as I was, am and will be until I kick the frackin' bucket.

---- "Lover, Ive Been Dreamin Bout a 100 Bags of Gold" by: "Al Phlipp and The Woo Team" http://www.kevinwillis.net/wooteam/albums.php

Synthesis continued.

I am waiting on tender hooks for deliveries, emails and dispatches from near and far.

---- "Goldie Hawn" by: "Butane Variations" http://www.butanevariations.com/


I'm having way too much fun with this sh, uh, stuff. Yeah, stuff will do.

---- "Tide Of Gold" by: "Frank Thewes" http://www.music-is.com/


The show notes, incuding the complete text of this episode, and any and all links to the artists featured, are on a server ... somewhere.

And this show is also being podcast in m4a format, which means that it you use a compatible player, like iTunes, you get the content divided up into chapters with images and "hot links" to the the web, on the topic of the chapter or to accompany the music.

Sponsorship message: Prince of Pizza

Portions of today's programming are underwritten by

Prince of Pizza

763 Bergen Avenue in

Jersey City

ph: 201-434-9453

Pizza, Hot food, Salads, Wings, Heroes, Panini and Cold Beverages.

Prince of Pizza; serving St. Peter's College and Jersey City for more than 40 years.


The music this time was

"Golden West"

 by: "Reginald Clair"


 album: "none"

 via: http://music.podshow.com/

"The Golden Shovel"

 by: "Frozen Carp"


 album: "none"

 via: http://music.podshow.com/

"Blue and Gold"

 by: "Ekayani and the Healing Band"


 album: "none"

 via: http://music.podshow.com/

"Lover, Ive Been Dreamin Bout a 100 Bags of Gold"

 by: "Al Phlipp and The Woo Team"


 album: "none"

 via: http://music.podshow.com/

"Goldie Hawn"

 by: "Butane Variations"


 album: "none"

 via: http://music.podshow.com/

"Tide Of Gold"

 by: "Frank Thewes"


 album: "none"

 via: http://music.podshow.com/

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