

Page history last edited by Charles-A. Rovira 15 years, 9 months ago

This is either an Easter Egg or it isn't. Well, it actually isn't...




The fun with a wiki is that if you structure your page names properly, you can, infact, hide your class notes.


CU-275-01 Public Speaking Workshop


cuBA 213-50 Advertising and the new media


Below are the links to the pages for my communication course at St Peter's College:


spc-cu-261-50-0001 Desert Island Records


spc-cu-261-50 0002 Before it all goes splat!


spc-cu-261-50-0003 Some Observations on Media


spc-cu-261-50-0004 Go beyond streaming and MP3s with .m4a, chapters, illustrations, live web links and "stiky" media


spc_cu-261-50-0005 Evaluation of shows and WSPC station


morning+drive+time+segment. In class we got a great assignment; to produce.




This also going to feature my recorded podasts which feed WSPC Streaming and WSPC podcasts.

I'm going to record my shows as podcasts. There is no need for sponteneity


I'm also very interested in the promotion of WSPC so I am helping with that.


There are several show ideas:


spc_wspc_ThymeWarp, a classical music show.


music, 90%

promos/ads/psa, 7%

record wrap up, 3%

duration 60min, 3 times/week



Monday, Wednesday, Friday 17:00 - 18:00




music, 40%

talk, 60%

promos/ads/psa, 7%

record wrap up, 3%

duration 60min, once a week



Tuesday 17:00 - 18:00



God. My sides hurt. http://engrishfunny.com/


Medicated Media, a show about disability on campus and dis-accessibility.

Its "The OUCH! podcast" goes to college. (We're ALL disabled; but some of us don't realize it, yet.)


talk, 70%

music, 20%

promos/ads/psa, 7%

record wrap up, 3%

duration 30min/week





Anachron, a show about swing and the big band era. (If I can switch my vinyl to CDs.)


music, 90%

promos/ads/psa, 7%

record wrap up, 3%

duration 30min/week

not pitched yet


Paper or Plastic, a show about what's happening to print, audio and video media.


talk, 90%

promos/ads/psa, 7%

record wrap up, 3%

duration 30min/week

not pitched yet


I am evolving the podcasting of actual courses.


(I'd like to do that because, I'd have to attend anyway so I might as well get a show out of it.)


Maybe I could intern at http://www.winstarinteractive.com/company/


The Animaniacs, Yakko, Wakko and Dot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakko,_Wakko,_and_Dot


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