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msb-0373 Just goofin around with numbers

Page history last edited by Charles-A. Rovira 15 years, 3 months ago



Episode Sponsor's banner (This could be YOU!)

MSBPodcast Shows


Episode Name msb-0373 Just goofin around with numbers.


Direct Link to episode -> http://media.libsyn.com/media/msb/msb-0373_Just_goofin_around_with_numbers.m4a


YouTube Vids


"I Don´t Want To Party" by: "doublePark" http://www.myspace.com/doublepark via "Una Prosel"

. YouTube plugin error .


"nobody knows your name" by: "statistics' http://www.last.fm/music/Statistics/Often+Lie

. YouTube plugin error .




Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!




FeedBack comes first, so...


Sorry about the lack of a show on Monday.

They were redoing the front step to our building, noisily.

It was worse than the usual. I can usually mask any residual noise with the show theme laying as a bed under my voice.

It turned out that the evening was no damn better. I had to listen to a car's defective alarm all frickin' evening and all frickin' night until the  car's battery eventually ran  down, at about 4:00 AM.

If nobody cares enough to put a stop to it, what's the point of a car alarm?

I would have cheered anyone who shut the thing up. It could have been thieves with a flat-bed truck. I still would have applauded.


I'm listening to and will soon read "Free - The Future of a Radical Price" by "Chris Anderson" who is editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine.

More on this next week as its too large a topic to cover in a single show.


This week, I'm just goofing around.

This weekend was the Fourth of July and I enjoyed great ribs, wine and fireworks galore over the Hudson river.

Last week, what with the Collapse of Civilizations, was heavy enough that I don't want to tax anybody's brains today, least of all mine, okay?

I'm going to reveal to some of the listeners (and a couple of you "have" asked,) the secret to having a successful podcast which keeps grinding out episodes week-in week-out, like sausages shooting out from a sausage making machine.

Euwwww. What a disgusting visual.

---- "In Numbers" by: "Vs. {verses} (Richard Seypka)" http://www.reverbnation.com/richardseypka



This rightfully belongs in the Feed Forward segment.

I am starting to expand msbpodcast.com into an actual web radio station.

Starting in January 2010, msbpodcast will have an interactive component which will be called MS Web Radio [ http;//www.MSWebRadio.com ]

Right now its not operative and its only a repeater to bring people to the msbpodcast.com site but I'm going to retool the web site to handle the web radio component.

It will also be podcast so if you don't get to it, it will still be available after the airing.

MS Web Radio will be held for a half an hour every Sunday afternoon at 3PM (15:00) my time.

I will be taking my definitely, uh, unusual show and opening it up to everybody.

I'll keep you posted on my progress as it happens.

Another week and another disappointment. Lining things up on a grid is getting to be a real pain, you kno'.

Lining up images in the grid should be easy, but in PBWorks, it ain't..  I'm missing something in their interface or they are.

Try number two 's coming... In HTML with CSS .

----"Numbers" by: "SingLadies" http://www.myspace.com/singladies





I now have TWO sponsors.

I told you, way back when, getting the first one was the toughest.

Now I have two and it didn't take another three years and several thousands more dollars of spending on my part.

The links are synchronized with the messages on the m4a right now.

It you're listening on this through iTunes or through a web browser, just click on the image for the sponsor and I'll take you right to the appropriate web page.

If you're on an iPhone or an iPod touch, you should be good to go too.


The first sponsor, you should be all familiar with and maybe even have bought some t-shirts.[ http://www.artoshirt.net/servlet/the-MS-Artists/Categories ]

I'm still in love with my T-Shirts,

There is one called "At the Back" by Karolina Wojdak [ http://www.artoshirt.net/servlet/the-370/MS/Detail ] which is beautiful in a deeply intriguing way. I am always fascinated by the way artists perceive the world.

They see the same thing we mere mortals do but they seem to take away a very different mental image from the same landscape my ultra- or magic-realist eyes merely sees.

I would try to out texture a fractal. That's why I'm glad to be involved in audio. (Although back when Wendy was Walter, I played with the shapes of sound waves and how that affected our auditory perception.)

I hope you folks out there are buying these because I'm not going to be outside much to look at them once the heat hits.


I received the CADDi in the mail, and, after trying it out, I feel that I can honestly recommend the CADDi by BARBCO. [ http://barbco.biz ]

The picture of the CADDi in use sort of says it all.

BarbCo is very generously giving a dollar of  off  every order they process to a bunch of causes and YOU select the cause.

[ http://barbco.biz/MultipleSclerosis.htm ]

I'm talking with her, well we're Twittering and emailing back and forth, about having promo code for MSers.

The CADDI is for non MSers but it ought to be for us too.

---- "The Rondelles-Safety in Numbers" by: "The Rondellles" http://www.krecs.com/




I'm going to tell you how these shows are put together, not because they're so difficult, once  you know what you're doing, they aren't, but because I want some people, potential contributors to this podcast, to get a load of how light a time commitment this truly is.

---- "Safety In Numbers" by: "the saving graces" http://thesavinggraces.com/




 Basically it a question of getting a form which can accommodate just about everything I want to pour into it.

The MSBPodcast program format that has evolved over the years so that its takes me longer to decide what to do than to execute on the program.

One thing which has helped me is going back the the data mines and seeing reality smack me upside the head.

My stats have made a few things abundantly clear: that having the show notes is actually useful to you and that you "do" read them before you download, or decide NOT to.

I am looking at the shows with the lowest listenership, like, lower than everything else, and that tells me that you all made a conscious decision to stay away from all 42 of  my WSPC Time Warp.

The stats for those shows were just abysmal. Though I don't really understand why? It should be pretty decent music to get you through dinner time.(Thats as maybe but I bet that if I had written proper show notes, putting the shows in some historical perspective with personal anecdotes about the scandalous salacious behavior of the artists at the time, you would probably have wanted to hear that.)

I'm probably going to encounter the same general lack of enthusiasm for my upcoming school series about "Classic Jazz"and "The Big Bands" on WSPC, but that's my cross to bear. and you'll hear about why in a couple of paragraphs.

I have "much" better download stats for the WSPC Disability Show and for the WSPC Peak Oil.

The absolute best download stats are for the shows that Herrad did for us years a couple of ago, in Dutch mind, for the much smaller population of the Netherlands.

That tells me two things, well three really, the Dutch really like her voice,  they really like her taste in music, I have to find a female host or co-host, like pronto.

Its turns out that you, my audience, is a lot more selective than you could ever be with traditional media where you DON'T have any show notes.

That imposes some burden on me to come up with better show notes for the upcoming WSPC series on Jazz and the Big Bands.

Luckily, I "do" have some commentaries on the recordings themselves and I will try to communicate to you the enthusiasm with which I discovered these albums.

Okay, I was a weird kid but I truly enjoyed these albums as a kid. They have a great deal of musicality and feature some great performances by some great artists.

---- "Paint by Numbers" by: "Shawna Caspi" http://www.shawnacaspi.com/




So I hope you have a better appreciation of how I can do this podcast, read, study for college, have a wife, have a life and still find time to listen to my music (and I do... I do,) and to listen to my podcasts (which I also do,) and  listen to my audiobooks (amongst other books I have on the go, I'm listening to the audio version of a vampire novel: "Underwood and Flinch" right now. [ http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=203424910] . Its really good and I can't wait to discover how it turns out, but I have to because the author only releases one chapter a week.)

I figure as long as I'm interested, and I can communicate that, and I hope I'm interesting enough to be listened to (and/or have my show notes read.)

---- "Numbers" by: "Pompeii" http://www.myspace.com/pompeii




Theme and 'incidental music' from:


 by: "Guy David",


 no album,

 via personal contract

YouTube video list:

"I Don´t Want To Party"

 by: "doublePark"


 via "Una Prosel"

"nobody knows your name"

 by: "statistics"



Song list

"In Numbers"

 by: "Vs. {verses} (Richard Seypka)"


 album: "none"

 via: music.podshow.com


 by: "SingLadies"


 album: "none"

 via: music.podshow.com"

"Safety in Numbers"

 by: "The Rondellles"


 album: "none"

 via: music.podshow.com

"Safety In Numbers"

 by: "the saving graces"


 album: "none"

 via: music.podshow.com

"Paint by Numbers"

 by: "Shawna Caspi" http://www.shawnacaspi.com/

 album: "none"

 via: music.podshow.com


 by: "Pompeii"


 album: "none"

 via: music.podshow.com




 All images, synchronized with the songs, are of the artists and come via music.podshow.com except when they aren't. :-)





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