msb-0357 Things range in rage



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Episode Name msb-0357 Things range in rage


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Road Rage by Catatonia

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Road Rage


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FeedBack comes first, so...


I'm recording this in a studio on a day that is approaching 85°F. (30°C.)

Man, that's just too hot for me. I'm cowering here, next to the air conditioner and hugging it.

---- "Cowards All The Rage" by: "Ann Lynn"




---- "Red Red Rage" by: "the Radio Knives"





The other day, I was tweeting my sponsor, (I LOVE saying that word, sponsor,) [ ] (the link is on the m4a right now, it you're listening on this through iTunes or through a web browser, just click on the image for the show and I'll take you right to his web page.)

I'm still in love with my t-shirts, I'm wearing one right now. The one of them that says I'm "guitarded." I bought two of those so the other one went in the wash. It looks like its holding up well to the detergents.

Its beige and soft and I'm just loving it.

I'll be able to confirm this in a few days but I may have another sponsor. I think so... Just watching the post.

The CADDi by BARBCO. [ ]

The picture of the CADDi in use sort of says it all. Its a caddy for carrying around your hot or cold drinks without risking life, limb, or whatever you're wearing from a spill,

This is just a good idea.

So good in fact that I am breaking my role of trying to carry ads or getting sponsors strictly from MS related products.

But, as a concession, I have got Barbara to look at her purchase page and she is offering a percentage of the unit price to go to a variety of charities, the MS Society being among those.

---- "Heathen Rage" by: "Corey Harris"




I was supposed to take a course on digital recording, which would have been an easy three credits for me, since I have lots and lots of practice, right?



Only the truly ignorant think they have nothing to learn.

I was looking forward to the course, but it didn't reach the desired number of stoonts, so I have plenty of time off to worry about the economy, the fact that i can't find a job and, I need distractions to take my mind off of my troubles.

A job would be a great way to do that.

---- "Sheeps rage" by: "JeSo"




 I can't over estimate the importance of work,

 it doesn't ever have to be as lofty as meaningful or fulfilling work.

It just needs to be something that we can do to feel useful in the larger scheme of things.

We disabled people need to work just as much as the next person. Possibly more considering the extra costs of medicines, therapies and treatments.

But we're shut out by the larger community who  see somebody just taking up space so they give them work that is beneath them, that anybody could do, and that garners resentment by the person who's stuck with the task.

Meanwhile the job will get done poorly by somebody who's sure he could do better and the handicapped can just go suck eggs. (Or suck air more likely because air is free, its the breathing masks to filter out the pollution that cost money.)

I'd like to lay the blame for this squarely at the manager's feet because they are in the position where they could do the most good but instead opt for what is the most expedient.

They sincerely don't give a second thought to the disabled who they can get, at some tax saving to their employers, because they know that they can underuse somebody else and abuse them later.

---- "Rhodes Rage" by: "Kerry Politzer"




Ever get the feeling that I don't think much of the people who, after all, were my peers?

Privilege and responsibility don't enter into consideration. when reaching a hiring decision but expediency does.

This is not a meritocracy. Nobody gets what they deserve.

Your boss was not selected or hired because was the most competent; he was merely the most expedient.

And now we end off with something that sounds more like what we think we'll hear when the word rage is in a song's title.

---- "RoaD RaGe" by: "Intrabyte"






Theme and 'incidental music' from:


 by: "Guy David",

 no album,

 via personal contract


Song list


 "Cowards All The Rage"

 by: "Ann Lynn"

 album: "none"


"Red Red Rage"

 by: "the Radio Knives"

 album: "none"


"Heathen Rage"

 by: "Corey Harris"

 album: "none"


"Sheeps rage"

 by: "JeSo"

 album: "none"


"Rhodes Rage"

 by: "Kerry Politzer"

 album: "none"


"RoaD RaGe"

 by: "Intrabyte"

 album: "none"





 All images, synchronized with the songs, are of the artists and come via except when they aren't. :-)



