Episode Name msb-0353 An Interview with Hillary Rubin
Direct Link to episode -> http://media.libsyn.com/media/msb/msb-0353_An_Interview_with_Hillary_Rubin.m4a
YouTube Vids
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FeedBack comes first, so...
This week we're, ah who'm I kiddin', "I" 'm featuring an interview with Hillary Ruben.
I met her through some fed back via Twitter from YoGeek who used to work for LibSyn, the people who host and track the audio portion of this show.
---- "Citizens of the World Edit" by: "Daphne Rubin-Vega" http://www.daphnerubin-vega.com/
---- "After" by: "Carmen Hillary" http://music.podshow.com/music/listeners/www.myspace.com/carmenhillary
---- "Home" by: "Carmen Hillary" http://music.podshow.com/music/listeners/www.myspace.com/carmenhillary
As I said in the feedback segment, I was introduced to Ms. Rubin in a rather circuitous route.
I never expected it would lead to meeting a fascinating woman and another MSer who, while not in denial, is calling herself someone who has been diagnosed with MS but who doesn't have MS.
Or, more to the point, MS certainly doesn't have her.
Ms Rubin is a Yoga instructor, a teacher, a "transformational health expert"... well Ms Rubin is ms Rubin, a unique creature of rare spiritual and physical strength and wisdom.
You'll get to meet her after this next song.
---- "Watching You Dance" by: "Carmen Hillary" http://music.podshow.com/music/listeners/www.myspace.com/carmenhillary
Give me a break folks.
You really should download the podcast if you want to hear Ms. Rubin. Its well worth it.
Just click on the following link and subscribe:
I don't want to type that much and, apart from telling you to goto http://www.iamnotamess.com and http://www.askhillary.com , I'd rather you heard it from her own lips.
---- "Angel Now" by: "Daphne Rubin-Vega" http://www.daphnerubin-vega.com/
So there you have Hillary Rubin's take on MS and MSers.
(And for those of you who feel cheated by this transcript and its brevity, drop me a line and I'll try to get ,
I quite like her refreshing approach towards and disability, the focus being on the ability and less on the "dis".
And listen for further episodes of this podcast because I'm going to be interviewing someone from Teva Pharmaceutical [ http://www.tevausa.com/ ] about their "Bravo" trial of an oral MS medicine.
Okay, its not available through an inhaler yet (but I "will" make sure to tell him about my own lay-person's thoughts on using the largest permeable membrane in the human body, the lungs, like the tobacco and marijuana cigarette manufacturers did centuries ago to make lots and lots of money.)
But at least its something better than jabbing myself with needles, which leads to all kinds of injection site complication, like cysts, opportunistic infections, swelling, rosacea among others, and meets with all kinds of patient resistance and abandonment of the therapy.
---- "Hope remains" by: "Sonic Mystery" http://sonicmystery.blogspot.com/
Theme and 'incidental music' from:
by: "Guy David",
no album,
via personal contract
Song list
"Citizens of the World Edit"
by: "Daphne Rubin-Vega"
album: "none"
via: music.podshow.com
by: "Carmen Hillary"
album: "none"
via: music.podshow.com
by: "Carmen Hillary"
album: "none"
via: music.podshow.com
"Watching You Dance"
by: "Carmen Hillary"
album: "none"
via: music.podshow.com
"Angel Now"
by: "Daphne Rubin-Vega"
album: "none"
via: music.podshow.com
"Hope remains"
by: "Sonic Mystery"
album: "none"
via: music.podshow.com
All images, synchronized with the songs, are of the artists and come via music.podshow.com except when they aren't. :-)
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